


Next steps

  • Tell us about your project
  • We will contact you to work out the details
  • We offer you a solution adapted to your needs

    Mujer entregando un currículum vitae

    Work with us

    People like you are one of the fundamental pillars that lead to excellence in Grupo Grávalos, and our history of more than 75 years as a family business clearly demonstrates this.

    In order to properly evaluate your application, please send your Curriculum Vitae to the following e-mail address:

    Gravalos Icon

    Grávalos Spain

    Ctra. de Castellón, km 15.500 Polígono Industrial “La Noria”, Sector Industrial I -7, Parcela 2 5, 50730 El Burgo de Ebro, Zaragoza

    +34 976 10 48 08

    logo geplastyk

    Geplastyk Poland

    ul. Hiszpańska 1, RĄBIEŃ
    95-070 Aleksandrów Łódzki

    +48 42 230 37 05

    logo gravesa

    Gravesa Morocco

    Zone Franche D’exportation,
    Lot 120, – Tanger-Assilah,
    Tangier, Tangier MA


    RSA Stamp

    We are part of the clusters:

    We manufacture your products through the most demanding processes and we accompany you throughout the process. Do you want to know how?