Los alumnos del IES Virgen del Pilar visitan nuestras instalaciones

We welcome the future professionals of Mechanical Manufacturing Design from IES Virgen del Pilar in Zaragoza.

Recently, we had the pleasure of receiving in our facilities the students of the superior degree of Mechanical Manufacturing Design of the Virgen del Pilar Institute of Zaragoza.

A very enriching day, where the future technicians were able to learn about our production processes and the state-of-the-art technology involved in all of them.

Students from IES Virgen del Pilar visit our facilities

We were delighted to share our knowledge with future professionals and learn about their concerns!

From Grávalos Group, we thank you for your visit and we hope you enjoyed this day as much as we did. And, of course, we wish them a great professional career.


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We manufacture your products through the most demanding processes and we accompany you throughout the process. Do you want to know how?