
Gravesa S.A.R.L., our new subsidiary in Morocco


Open a factory in Morocco to assist the customer in its supplier globalization strategy including the “Best Cost Countries”.



Encouraged by the needs of some of its main customers, the Grávalos Group decided to take up the challenge of expanding its international presence by setting up a new subsidiary in the Tangier free zone.

In perfect harmony with the group’s international strategy, GRAVESA, S.A.R.L. was established at the end of 2009 to meet the production and localization needs demanded by the market.

Our new project was able to meet all the deadlines foreseen in its initial planning, despite the enormous difficulties caused by the unexpected global pandemic of COVID-19, proof of the absolute reliability that identifies us as a brand.

Result and profit

In February 2.021, our new subsidiary started its productive activity at 100% of its capacity, fulfilling in a sustained way the service objectives, that is to say, quality, productivity and punctuality, granting the Grávalos Group presence in one of the main strategic points in the world of industrialization.

We are part of the clusters:

We manufacture your products through the most demanding processes and we accompany you throughout the process. Do you want to know how?

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